임상시험센터 소식

MOU with C&R Research

2006-07-30 10:33

MOU with C&R research

Busan Paik Hospital Clinical Trial Center (Busan Paik CTC) and C&R Research, one of the biggest CROs in Korea have agreed to conclude a Memorandum of Understanding on General Collaboration (MOU).

Under this MOU, Busan Paik CTC is planning to provide all the requested information on possible PIs: world -acclaimed veteran experts in each disease category.

Busan Paik Hospital CTC is already renowned for having many dedicated and experienced clinical pharmacologists and now it is trying to promote more of potential PIs by providing specific information on PI’s research experience.

C&R research can be informed of subject pool of Busan Paik CTC on a regular basis as well as PI information.

On the other hand, in order to facilitate collaborative activities under this MOU,C&R Research plans to set up an office in newly expanded Busan Paik Hospital CTC

This MOU will bring both Busan Paik CTC and C&R Research a great chance to share inner thoughts and actual know- how on clinical trials.

The signing ceremony for the MOU will take place on October